Monday, November 17, 2008

Xiaxue on Obama

One of my favourite blogger, Xiaxue got bashed because of her entry about Obama. Unlike the rest of the world she had a different opinion on Obama.

Well, truthfully I am pleased that Obama won because he might just be the right solution to the America economy crisis – that will be soon spread to Malaysia by March and April next year and he might just stop all the bombing to those poor vindicated citizen on Iraq. And all the wonderful things he wrote in his speech. A new breath of fresh air.

I always think Xiaxue’s writing is honest and blatant. Including the Obama entry although I might not agree with some of her points. The thing is, most of the readers who commented on that post expressed their angry as if Xiaxue had insulted their God! Come on, he is just a guy and it is tad early to guzzle all the words and letters in his speech. They might be virtuous but how veritable can they be? Only time will tell but we on the other side should not be too gullible. I am sure everybody who wants to run for President will have such awe aspiring speech. I am not saying that he’s mendacious or anything but the truth is yet to be proven, so do not hail him as if he is the God.

And it is her opinion anyway, although I must say she did it in an emotional and not so smart way. I always told myself and my colleagues; yes we can give comments, idea and differ to certain statement/facts but do it in an intelligent way. Do it when you can freeze your emotion. Because when you let your emotion blend with your, things will go nasty.

Still I think she deserves to have her own opinion.

3 comments: said...

I heart Xiaxue's blog too!! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Suzie,
I chanced upon your site. I like this entry because I was looking for someone who had a more non-biased opinion of Xiaxue.
When Xiaxue wrote enteries on Dawn, she was seen as a hero, because everyone could see for real what was going on. To the extent whereby she didn't really face a lawsuit.
She is entitled to her opinion. And like you I think she made some valid points.But I think she might have just spoken too much on the subject resulting in this attack.

Suzie said...

To Otak Belacan,
Me too, I love her gumption!

To Francine,
Exactly, she is entitled to her opinion but like you said,she spoken too much