Thursday, November 6, 2008

Summit Open

Obama won! This show that America does not discriminate within skin colours anymore - which could be a good start. In my humble opinion, we should do the same. Stop discriminating within races and religions.

This is an except of a news that I read yesterday

Vatican City (AHN) - A three-day historic Catholic-Muslim summit will open Tuesday in Vatican City. To attend the talks are 48 religious leaders and scholars from the two faiths or 24 representatives each.

Leading the Catholic side is Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, while the Muslims will be headed by Mustafa Ceric, the Grand Mufti of Bosnia.

For more news, click here

This is a very good news for me. Being a Muslim, I feel dejected seeing another Muslim mocked other people religion and claimed suicide bombing and terrorising publics are one way to attain peace.

To me, not a single religion in the world (leave alone cults) teaches its follower to become corrupted, just follow the basic guideline and we will achieve peace. And respect is very important, it is okay if you don’t believe on what other religions says but at least show some respects to them.

Ok shit. I have to go. Meeting in 5 minutes.