Wednesday, November 19, 2008

On Countering and Duplicating

Remember the sensational blog that I talked about in my previous post? Things are getting spicier than before.

There’s another blog created to counter that blog. Sadly, that blog is obviously not in the same league with the original one. The counter blog is simply created out of anger and stupidity. Why did I say stupidity? Because of the points written by the blogger does not hit any targets. It is like shooting with two eyes close.

On the second and third post the blogger tried harder but sincerely I think she should just stop and continue writing in her or his old blog. Why am I saying this? Because I think the blogger might be one of the victim or even those who were mildly mentioned in the original blog.

Okay. I am not supporting the original blog. Yes it is exciting to read the entries and the comments, but I think somehow this blog is getting too vindictive. Not the blogger but the readers and those who comments. I even find myself itching to type comments sometimes :P especially there was this one particular commenter that really irk me. The way he write his comments – note the “s”. Oh, he was one of the subjects too and I think he deserved it. Because of his stupidity thinking that what a smart person he is. Ok this is the evil part of me talking here.

Apart from that, another blog which resembles the original blog derived. Now, this really ticked me off. Not because I had enough of people bashing – well maybe this too but because I can’t tolerate duplication of idea and copycat. If you want to be known, to receive credits and to feel good about anything, get your own idea!

Example, I hate it when I buy something not locally and did an extensive research on that product – I usually do this, spent days and weeks sometimes, only to find a friend of mine bought the exact thing after knowing where I bought my things from. Later mildly asked whether or not it’s okay for her to do it. Of course it is not fucking okay, but she bought it already didn’t she? Or something similar in patterns, let’s say. It is frustrating, I don’t know why I am like this but this is just me. And I hate it when people duplicate my ideas for some paperwork or presentation. How do I know it’s a duplication of my work? Well usually I show them mine as an e.x.a.m.p.l.e when they are stuck with theirs. But this fucktards just simply copy the whole idea. With a little alteration here and there but the big picture is still there.

I don’t know what do the others think about it but this is my piece of opinion.